SR Holguin, PC is a union-side labor and employment law firm with nearly four decades of experience representing private sector unions, public sector unions, and multi-employer trust funds. SR Holguin, PC is committed to providing full-service legal representation to each of our clients.

One way in which SR Holguin, PC ensures our clients and their members stay informed is by keeping you updated on recent developments relating to workers’ rights. Today’s updates come following the July 1, 2020 Los Angeles City Council meeting. There are two items in particular that could impact you.

1. Workers Who Could Be Impacted: California Garment Workers

A Resolution was introduced by Councilmember Gil Cedillo (1st District) and Seconded by Council President Nury Martinez (6th District) to support Senate Bill 1399 (Durazo). 

SB 1399 entitled “Employment: garment manufacturing” is a California State Senate Bill (SB) authored by Senator María Elena Durazo (24th Senate District- Los Angeles) and coauthored by Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez (80th Assembly District- San Diego).

According to Councilmember Cedillo’s Resolution, SB 1399 would “provide protections for garment workers including prohibiting the practice of piece-rate compensation and requiring garment manufacturers and contractors to jointly share legal responsibility for their workers.”

SB 1399 (Durazo) passed the California State Senate on June 25, 2020 after a 25-11 vote. After passing the Senate, it was ordered to the California State Assembly. The bill currently sits in the Assembly Committee on Labor and Employment awaiting a future hearing.

Councilmember Cedillo’s Resolution was referred to the City Council’s Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee. If it passes the committee, it will be voted on by the full City Council. If the City Council adopts the Resolution and the Mayor concurs, the official position of the City of Los Angeles will be to support SB 1199 (Durazo).

2. Workers Who Could Be Impacted: California Teachers and School Employees

A Resolution was introduced by Council Assistant President Po Tempore David Ryu (4th District) and Seconded by Councilmember Bob Blumenfield (3rd District) to support AB 3308 (Gabriel). 

AB 3308 entitled “School districts: employee housing” is a California State Assembly Bill (AB) authored by Assemblymembers Jesse Gabriel (45th Assembly District- Encino), Kevin Mullin (22nd Assembly District- South San Francisco), and Sharon Quirk-Silva (65thAssembly District- Fullerton), and coauthored by Senate Majority Leader Robert Hertzberg (18th Senate District- Van Nuys).

According to Council Assistant President Po Tempore Ryu’s Resolution, AB 3308 would “create a State policy supporting housing for teachers and school employees, and permits school districts and developers that have received local or State funds, or tax credits designated for affordable rental housing, to restrict occupancy to teachers and school district employees on land owned by school districts.”

AB 3308 (Gabriel) passed the Assembly on June 8, 2020 after a 71-0 vote. After passing the Assembly, it was ordered to the California State Senate. The bill currently sits at the Senate Housing Committee where it awaits a future hearing. 

Council Assistant President Po Tempore Ryu’s Resolution was referred to the City Council’s Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee. If it passes the committee, it will be voted on by the full City Council. If the City Council adopts the Resolution and the Mayor concurs, the official position of the City of Los Angeles will be to support AB 3308 (Gabriel).

We hope these updates are helpful to you.


SR Holguin, PC

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