SR Holguin, PC is a union-side labor and employment law firm with nearly four decades of experience representing private sector unions, public sector unions, and multi-employer trust funds. SR Holguin, PC is committed to providing full-service legal representation to each of our clients.

One way in which SR Holguin, PC ensures our clients and their members stay informed is by keeping you updated on recent developments relating to workers’ rights. Today’s updates come following the release of the February 24, 2021 Los Angeles City Council meeting agenda. There are two items in particular that could impact you.

1. Workers Who Could be Impacted: City of LA Employees

On November 20, 2020, the City Administrative Officer (CAO) sent a Report to the City Council entitled “Paid Parental Time (PPT) Pilot Program For Non-DWP, Civilian Employees – Letters of Agreement.”

The Report provided in part “[t]he concept of a paid parental leave policy has been under discussion for some time. In February 2016, Council adopted a…motion…instructing City staff to report on the average time off taken by City employees for pregnancy and bonding purposes as well as the feasibility and budgetary impacts of a paid parental leave program. The report back indicated that the City currently does not track the information needed for a complete operational and financial analysis of a paid parental leave policy and the development of a civilian-only policy as a pilot would provide better data to create a citywide policy for all employees.

At its meeting of November 8, 2019, the Executive Employee Relations Committee (EERC) authorized the CAO to negotiate a Paid Parental Leave Program for all non-DWP, civilian City employees as a pilot program. Subsequently, a tentative agreement with the affected labor organizations was reached to include the following key terms: Six (6) weeks (up to 240 hours) of 100% paid time; Birthing and non-birthing parents eligible; Effective pilot period from January 1,2021, through June 30, 2025.

Currently, the City provides eligible employees with up to 18 weeks (up to 720 hours) of protected leave for family and medical purposes, including childbirth, recovery from childbirth, child placement, and child bonding. This protected leave is either unpaid or paid using the employees’ available sick, vacation, and/or other accumulated compensatory time. This pilot program will enhance the City’s Family and Medical Leave policy by providing an additional balance of paid time for qualifying employees.”

Therefore, the Report recommended “that the City Council, subject to the approval of the Mayor: 1. Approve the Paid Parental Time (PPT) Pilot Program to be effective for the period of January 1, 2021, through June 30, 2025, for all eligible, non-DWP, civilian City of Los Angeles (City) employees; 2. Approve the accompanying Paid Parental Time (PPT) Pilot Program Letters of Agreement (LOAs), approved as to form and legality by the City Attorney, for MOUs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,18, 19, 20, 21,26, 29, 31,32, 34, 36, 37, 61,63, and 64; 3. Instruct the CAO to report back to the EERC with the results of the PPT Pilot Program analysis.”

On December 3, 2020, the CAO sent a Report to the City Council entitled “Paid Parental Time (PPT) Pilot Program for Unrepresented Employees.” The Report provided in part “[a]t its meeting of November 8, 2019, the Executive Employee Relations Committee authorized the CAO to negotiate a Paid Parental Leave Program for all non-DWP, civilian City employees as a pilot program. Tentative agreements with the affected labor organizations were transmitted to Council and are pending approval. The attached ordinance affords the same benefit to unrepresented employees.”

On February 8, 2021, the City Council’s Budget and Finance Committee considered the Reports and Ordinance. The committee’s Report provided in part “[a]fter consideration, and having provided an opportunity for public comment, the Budget and Finance Committee recommended to approve the Ordinance and recommendations in the CAO reports dated November 20, 2020 and December 7, 2020. This matter is now forwarded to the Council for its consideration.”

Now, agenda item 2 of the February 24, 2021 Los Angeles City Council meeting calls for the Council to consider the Reports and Ordinance.

2. Workers Who Could be Impacted: Grocery and Drug Retail Workers Throughout the City of Los Angeles

As discussed in a prior post a December 15, 2020 Motion called for the “Office of the City Attorney [to] be requested to draft an emergency ordinance that will provide all on-site grocery workers at Grocery Stores with 300 or more employees with an additional five (5) dollars per hour in wages for the period of the effective date of this Ordinance during which the City of Los Angeles is within a Widespread (purple), Substantial (red), or Moderate (orange) Risk Level, and until such time as risk levels return to Minimal (yellow) under the State Health orders.”

On February 5, 2021, the City Attorney sent a Report to the City Council entitled “Draft Ordinance Adding Article 9 To Chapter XX of the Los Angeles Municipal Code to Provide Additional Pay to Grocery and Drug Retail Workers on the Frontlines of COVID-19.” The Report provided in part “[p]ursuant to your request, this Office has prepared and now transmits for your consideration the enclosed draft ordinance, approved as to form and legality. The draft ordinance would add Article 9 to Chapter XX of the Los Angeles Municipal Code to provide additional premium hazard pay to grocery and drug retail workers on the frontlines of COVID-19. The ordinance contains an urgency clause.”

Now, agenda item 4 of the February 24, 2021 Los Angeles City Council meeting calls for the Council to consider the Report and Draft Ordinance. 

We hope these updates are helpful to you.


SR Holguin, PC

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